
In August 2003, Kollision created a series of illustrations for an inspirational catalogue published by the Danish Foundation for Culture and Sports Facilities concerning architecture aimed at children and young people. The project aims at establishing a basis for developing a new and novel building program for projects under the title: Architecture for Kids, describing the physical environment for children's activities inside and outside. The project aimed to challenge general views on the relationship between children and architecture.
In spring 2001, the inspirational catalogue was further expanded in collaboration between the Danish Foundation for Culture and Sports Facilities, the Cultural Council for Children, Ebeltoft Municipality, Aunt Andantes house in Ebeltoft, and children from Ebeltoft municipality. The result was a report written by Peter Kjær (former headmaster of the Aarhus School of Architecture) and edited by Holger Kortbek from the Danish Foundation for Culture and Sports Facilities.
All the illustrations are creating using Rhino and 3D Studio Max and subsequently processed in Photoshop. The idea was to make illustrations into individual scenes so as to avoid trying to solve specific space programs or functions. The illustrations are chained together to form an image of a migration from outside to inside – through the different rooms – creating a story about the many possibilities.

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Hulen i den kunstige birkeskov

Landskabet i birkeskoven

På vandretur i den kunstige Birkeskov

Fisketur i trapperummet
