Design Smedien https://www.designsmedien.dk/Lighting-Up
Martin Professional https://www.martin.com/en
As part of a major upgrade of a bike and pedestrian tunnel system - running underneath the railroad - connecting two areas in the city of Herning, Kollision won an invited competition for the design of an integrated interactive light installation - an artwork named FLOW.
FLOW consists of 52 steel frame chambers covered by tempered frosted glass. In each chamber a powerful 1.2m Exterior Linear RGBW Graze wash light is installed to smoothly illuminate the chamber. The installation is divided into three sections adapting to the three connected tunnels making up more than 100m underground passage running from the railway station square to the south part of the city. Behind the glass of every fourth chamber a 6x10 VC-Dot 4 LED grid is installed for displaying simple pixel graphics. This combines the coherent and smooth light in the chambers with the ability to display simple abstract and figurative pixel graphics creating a playful and safe space for bikes and pedestrians.
Interaction is achieved through a sensor system - integrated in the endcaps of the tunnel sections - providing data of the users’ speeds and directions translated into waves of light following people moving through the tunnel as embracing spaces of light.
Interaction is achieved through a sensor system - integrated in the endcaps of the tunnel sections - providing data of the users’ speeds and directions translated into waves of light following people moving through the tunnel as embracing spaces of light.
FLOW is made as a collaboration between Kollision, Design Smedien, Lighting-Up, Martin Professional, and not least in dialogue with Herning Municipality. Kollision designed the physical installation together with Design Smedien who produced and installed the structure of chambers. Kollision developed the interactive light design and the sensor system making use of our own content player MAP. Lighting-Up installed and prepared the light sources and infrastructure and Martin Professional provided the light sources. Additionally Kollision designed and coordinated a new signage system borrowing some of the design elements from FLOW to enhance the wayfinding through the tunnel. The signs were produced and installed by Design Smedien.