
In the last four years Stanford University has held a competition – a global challenge – that needs to be handed in as a three-minute video uploaded to the university channel of YouTube. This year the challenge was “Making saving money fun”, which was a more abstract assignment than earlier years, which focused more on adding value to already existing products such as the Post ‘it and the rubber band.
This year a number of ambitious people from Idea Denmark and The Ministry of Education worked to make the competition into a big event, involving students from educational institutions all over Denmark. Kollision was asked to conduct the education of participants empowering them to video sketch and edit a video. Based on earlier experience with video sketching, we facilitated two camps, one at Niels Brock in Copenhagen and one at Vitus Bering in Horsens where approximately 100 students got hands-on experience with the principles of using video as a sketching tool. Our role was to facilitate the camps, providing help and answers to develop and evaluate ideas. Based on the produced ideas, participants were instructed how to communicate their ideas on a fairly advanced level through Adobe Premiere Elements 8. We also produced video tutorials for both video sketching and video editing.
The participating students had nine days to finish their video proposal. In the week following the two camps, students all over the country worked to improve their ideas and communicate these through their newly learned video prototyping skills. At the deadline, Denmark had submitted 45 videos, which along with contributions from 50 other countries were judged and evaluated during the following month.