
Municipality of Høje Taastrup htk.dkMunicipality of Roskilde roskilde.dk
Municipality of Greve greve.dk
I/S Hedeland hedeland.dk
Realdania realdania.dk
Statement of the juryProject presentation (panels 100mb)
Project presentation (booklet 100mb)
As part of a team consisting of Møller & Grønborg, ADEPT and Kuben Management, Kollision participated in the competition for the future development of Hedeland - a former gravel pit turned recreational area at the intersection of three municipalities close to Copenhagen, Denmark. The competition aimed at creating a long term development plan turning Hedeland into a regional, national and international destination.
The basic principle of our development plan was to split Hedeland in two; a landscaped area with recreational activities, the Commons, and an area reserved for user-driven activities and share economy, the Unions. The business strategy behind this was that by concentrating the landscaped area the client would save on operating costs while freeing up areas for user activities would generate new revenue streams. At the same time the idea behind the structural plan made for an interesting story, which would help fuel the ambition of Hedeland as an international destination.
Our role in was to build the business and communication strategy for the area. The jury called liked the business plan emphasizing our "innovative and interesting business model, using sharing economy and volunteering as a brand." Our visual identity for Hedeland was also recommended as being "strong and simple."