The HQ of IF Insurance is straddling E18, one of the main highways in Stockholm, Sweden. Thousands of cars pass underneath the building every day, and the media façade can be seen from a distance and is passed at high speed. ÅF Lighting developed a concept and a lighting design, which didn't distract drivers while at the same time subtly reminded by passers of the building and the brand. The media façade consists of a total of 29600 LED’s dispersed across two facades of 97 x 29 meters.
Our content player interfaces with a local weather station on the roof of the building; the data is interpreted by Kollision’s player software and correlated with various pre-determined content feeds based on the time of day (sunrise, rush hour, sunset etc.) creating a dynamic lighting design.
Kollision did the mapping of all light sources in 3 dimensions, and developed the technical player allowing users to map content to a realtime 3D model of the building and interpreting live weather data. The project was developed for Martin Professional, based on the lighting design concept by ÅF Lighting.