In September 2021 The Aarhus School of Architecture moved to its brand new facilities at Godsbanen - a former industrial area undergoing a fast urban transformation - close to Institute for X and the cultural hub Godsbanen, containing a number of cultural institutions and entities. The new school - referred to as NewAarch - is designed by the danish architectural studio Adept.
As part of the inauguration of the new school - established as an architectural festival named OPENING - Kollision was asked to design a temporary light installation within the amazing Mediatek - a three story wooden construction containing the library of the school - designed by Praksis Architects. Instead of adding new lighting fixtures into the space Kollision suggested tapping into the existing fixtures and using their properties and spatial layout for creating new expressions within the wooden structure.
This resulted in the permanent installation Revelations through Light that exploits the existing light sources to bring the structure to life during evening and night time. Slow waves of light illuminating areas, aisles and bookshelves create an everchanging expression of mysterious activity as regular users have left the library.
This resulted in the permanent installation Revelations through Light that exploits the existing light sources to bring the structure to life during evening and night time. Slow waves of light illuminating areas, aisles and bookshelves create an everchanging expression of mysterious activity as regular users have left the library.
By tapping into the Dali protocol and mapping the exact 3D positions of all 364 light fixtures Kollision used MAP to design a number of dynamic evolving light designs obeying the limited data rate of Dali and still being able to create a stunning mix of light and shadow using the beautiful wooden structure as a warm backdrop.
Movie by Allan Toft.