
gentofte kommuneTHE SKUB PROJECT
In spring 2005, we were invited to re-design Søgaard School as part of the SKUB project in collaboration with Cebra Architects. Our role was to facilitate a participatory design process together with Cebra, involving staff, students, parents and neighbours in the re-design of the old school into a building, which would meet the requirements of modern day learning spaces. Søgaard is a school for children with special needs including students with ADHD and autism spectrum disorders, which placed special demands on both the process as well as the school's layout and design.
In collaboration with the SKUB Secretariat, Cebra Architects, staff and parents we defined a participation and communication strategy focusing on the special needs of the students. The main focus points were creating a safe environment consisting of the right mix of private zones, learning zones, workshop zones, and public zones.
In the spring of 2006, the rebuilding of the school began and students and teachers moved temporarily to the former Lyngby State School.