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Aarhus School of Architecture
Aarhus Kommune
Martin Professional
Aarhus Kommune
Martin Professional
Urban Furniture
Light Spots started out as a research project aimed at designing a new generation of interactive urban furniture, which are able to interact with each other, creating new social spaces and new forms of playful interaction between citizens. The project is one among several initiated by the Danish Lighting Innovation Network.
The first step of the project was to produce a number of prototypes for Bispetorv in Aarhus, Denmark. The project was carried out by Kollision in collaboration with Aarhus School of Architecture, Municipality of Aarhus, and the companies Out-Sider and Martin Professional. Realdania financially supported the project. Prototype two was carried out in collaboration with Wahlberg and today Light Spots are being sold by Out-sider in collaboration with Kollision.
The first step of the project was to produce a number of prototypes for Bispetorv in Aarhus, Denmark. The project was carried out by Kollision in collaboration with Aarhus School of Architecture, Municipality of Aarhus, and the companies Out-Sider and Martin Professional. Realdania financially supported the project. Prototype two was carried out in collaboration with Wahlberg and today Light Spots are being sold by Out-sider in collaboration with Kollision.
The prototypes of Light Spots urban furniture were equipped with sensor-controlled sources of light, allowing them to interact with other Light Spots in the area. In the evening, the Light Spots would glow dimly, inviting people to sit. When sitting down, the light would grow brighter, creating a circle of light and shooting a beam of light, which could be aimed at one of the other Light Spots to activate it.
The newer, interactive versions of Light Spots use sensors to interact with their surroundings, sensing when users approach and activating bespoke or generic lighting designs based on e.g. number of users, distance, background noise etc.
The newer, interactive versions of Light Spots use sensors to interact with their surroundings, sensing when users approach and activating bespoke or generic lighting designs based on e.g. number of users, distance, background noise etc.
Light Spot versions
Currently the Light Spots a sold in a number of configurations. One without any lighting at all, one with simple, static lighting, a more advanced version with dynamic lighting and several interactive versions one of which features a unique capacitive sensor for urban spaces developed by Kollision.
For further information