A Mixed Reality Game for Urban Planning

This paper presents a case study based on an innovative collaborative, game-based approach to urban planning utilizing mixed and augmented reality techniques. Modern urban planning involves a wide variety of interests and individuals, consequently new methods and tools are needed to assure the active involvement of all parties in the planning process. The Harbour Game is a debating game employing visual tracking and pattern recognition to superimpose information, e.g. 3-dimensional models, text, and photos on physical artefacts facilitating the understanding of complex relations in urban planning. The paper discusses the Harbour Game as an innovative approach to urban planning and the technology used in the Harbour Game in relation to similar approaches.
Nielsen, R., Delman, T. F. and Løssing, T. 2005: A mixed Reality Game for Urban Planning. In: CUPUM 05, the Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management conference, London, 2005.
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