Light Spots - Interactive Urban Furniture

The project Light Spots is aimed at designing a new generation of interactive urban furniture, which are able to interact with each other, creating new social spaces and new forms of playful interaction between users in an urban setting. In this paper we present findings from the design process that has shaped Light Spots. The first step of the project was to produce sketches, visualizations, functionality descriptions and use-cases for the project. In the second phase a number of prototypes was produced for testing at the Media Architecture Biennale 2012 in Aarhus, Denmark. Next step is the creation of a functional prototype for deployment in urban spaces.
Nielsen, R., Delman, T. F., Løssing, T., Thyrrestrup, T., Kinch, S., Andersen, K. B. & Fugl, J., 2013: Light Spots - Interactive Urban Furniture. Proceedings, PLDC 4th Global Lighting Design Conference. 30. October - 2. November, 2013 in Copenhagen. DK
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